
The fabrication of drugs industry

Author: Will Thomas
Source: http://www.flickr.com
The fabrication of pills is a complex intricate and difficult routine. Centuries ago, such activity was done by apothecaries, an old and often holy profession which dates reverse to the days of Babylon. Apothecaries could mix various elements and market them as vaccines for diseases and ailments. Sometimes these were impressive and based upon well medical investigation and look, although inevitably some were less more than vespers and there were also many snake-oil traders who sold poor or even dangerous goods.

A few reasons why I usually book luxury hotel in Santorini

Author: Hotel Pałacyk
Source: hotelpalacyk.pl
This is not a secret that Santorini is my favourite foreign island. All of my friends ar aware about this. I went first time when I was a teenager. Thereafter, I came back there with a previous fiancée. I have also spent there a honeymoon with my lovely husband. Last year I was there with my two children. I simply love to come back there. I could always load my batteries. But to have this, I need to to be sure that my hotel and staff will be the best one. This is why, when I choose hotels in santorini, I always choose the luxury one.

Reserve flight to nicest, European metropolis

Author: Kevin Law
Source: http://www.flickr.com
In present times if any Polish tourist wish to visit some nice metropolis in old continent, don't need to spare a lot of cash. After small, airplane carriers arrived in our country, we may travel to each city in continent for a song, cause airline tickets are in really reasonable prize.